Workshop by University of Patras

“O-RAN on a decentralised multi-party, multi-network AI (DMMAI) framework” – Christos Tranoris Spyros Denazis

DMMAI Framework is being designed and developed by 6G-XCEL partners, with target to provide tools for research and development of decentralized AI methods for network control extending across radio and optical networks and network domains (aka ‘multi-network’ approach). Building on the O-RAN architecture approach as an open source platform and supporting multi-party applications (xApps/rApps) in a RIC, the focus is to study the practical use of such controls and their potential for 6G networks. What is our ambition? To enable the teams involved in 6G-XCEL and the wider EU and US communities in which they are involved, to accelerate progress on AI use cases in 6G Networks.